分類: 活動公告
來源: 學務處 - 鍾佩玲 - free22011@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03890-6217
對象: 大一_大二_大三_大四以上
標題: 【Student Dormitory】– Illustration Meetings of the Student Dormitory Application and Committee Election for Academic Year 2021-2022
日期: Thu, 4 Mar 2021 18:32:44 +0800

Dear Students,
    It’s time again for the annual dormitory application and the election for the dormitory committee. In order for the student to learn about the application process and the election, we will have a meeting on 03/08(Mon) and 03/09(Tue) at the Student Dormitory Complex. Participating students will be rewarded one hour of Cross-Domain Autonomous Learning credits.

Meeting agenda:
1. Briefing of the Student Dormitory Application:
(1) Application Time  
(2) Application Procedure
(3) Matters Needing Attention
2. Briefing of the Student Dormitory Committee:
(1) Regulations and structure 
(2) Duties and responsibilities
(3) Election and recruiting
3. Questions, comments or opinions.

Time and Location
1. 03/08(Mon.)19:00, Dormitory 4
2. 03/09(Tue.)18:30, Dormitory 7
3. 03/09(Tue.)20:00, Dormitory 6

If you have any question, please contact: Mr. Chung at (03)890-6217

Your fulfillment, OSA's delight!
Student Living Services Division
Office of Student Affairs

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