分類: 其他公告
來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 劉豫海 - lyh7680@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6218
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【車輛違規停放拖吊】請依單月雙月告示停放;勿隨意臨停,以免影響交通,遭到拖吊!【Vehicle illegal parking towing notice】: Vehicle illegal parking on Zhongzheng Rd will be towed
日期: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:53:36 +0800
附檔: 示意圖.jpg (384 KB)   

因志學村中正路違停車很多,不但妨礙交通而且容易造成車禍;自109年11月1日起,花蓮縣警察局交通隊將會不定時派遣拖吊車針對該地區「違規停放以及妨礙交通」車輛實施拖吊。提醒各位同學,依告示規定停車,以免愛車遭到拖吊處置 (車子遭拖吊後,領車要到花蓮拖吊場繳納罰款才能領車)

                                                                                                                          學生事務處生輔組    敬啟

📣 "Illegal parking towing"
Dear faculty, staff, and students,

Because there are many vehicles (cars,motocycles and bicycles) illegal parking on Zhongzheng Road in Zhixue Village, causing traffic block and traffic accidents are likely to occur; therefore ,the Traffic team of the Hualien County Police Department will dispatch tow trucks from time to time to towed illegal parking vehicles (cars, motorcycles and bicycles) on Zhongzheng Road in Zhixue Village from November, 109.
Any vehicle (car, motorcycle or bicycle) being towed, it will only be picked up at the Hualien Towage Yard, which will cause a lot of trouble)
Please park in accordance with the instruction to avoid the car being towed.
                                                                                                                       Office of Student Affairs

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