分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許嫦雯 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_兼任教師_退休教職員_教職員眷屬
標題: 【防疫公告】歲末節日及跨年連續假期時儘量避免出入人潮擁擠、空氣不流通的公共場所,以維護自身健康。 【Epidemic Notice】For maintaining your health, please avoid going to the crowded and poorly ventilated public places during New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve consecutive holidays.
日期: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 11:30:21 +0800
附檔: 教育部109年12月23日臺教綜(五)字第1090184927號函.pdf (103 KB)   防疫新生活DM.jpg (223 KB)   跨年等大型活動防疫原則DM.jpg (295 KB)   

















  1. According to the global new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic of the Central Epidemic Command Center, the international epidemic is getting worse. The number of overseas immigration cases increases; the World Health Organization (WHO) also warned that the rise in early 2021 might further increase. WHO urges people to be careful during the year-end holidays and obey the suggestions of epidemic prevention.


  1. People will gather more during the New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve consecutive holidays in Taiwan. Please participate in the New Year's Eve party by following ways: watching TV or video and communicating by phone, social media, or online parties to avoid packed crowds. Do not enter public places with poor air circulation to prevent the spread of respiratory infectious diseases. If you still need to enter and exit public places, you should maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors. Please pay special attention to personal hygiene (wash hands frequently, pay attention to hand hygiene, cough etiquette; wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible, and rest at home).


  1. Please follow the press release of "Relevant anti-epidemic measures in response to large-scale gatherings at the end of the year and New Year's Eve" issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center on December 22, 109. To strengthen the critical points that people who stay in home isolation, home quarantine, and independent health management on the day of the publicity activities could not attend the event. Those with suspected symptoms such as fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, abnormal smell and taste sensations are not allowed to participate in the activities. Participants should wear masks throughout the event (including indoor and outdoor). Except for replenishing water, no eating or drinking is allowed. Please bring your mobile phone and turn it on to let notification of epidemic prevention information smooth.


  1. If the school have Christmas, New Year's Eve, and other publicity activities, please follow the regulations in issuing press releases (URL: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/ListContent/EmXemht4IT-IRAPrAnyG9A?uaid=XMp3EvkdFNWxEOSFOp6INg)The school should also provide sufficient hand cleaning and disinfection supplies at the venue, increasing the frequency of disinfection in public toilets, and providing necessary medical services mechanism. Besides the permitted sales areas, other areas are not allowed to sell food and beverages. For indoor activities, tickets without seats are not allowed to be sold and must follow the real name registration regulation. Arranging the fixed entrance and temperature measurement and hand disinfection must be performed at the entrance.

Reminder: For students who had applied for Christmas party or activities in campus, the chief organizer must supervise all process and follow the instructions for epidemic prevention.


  1. Please also follow the " Fall-Winter COVID-19 Prevention Program" issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center.  When entering and exiting some high-risk areas of infection transmission (medical care, public transportation, living consumption, education and learning, exhibitions and games, leisure and entertainment, religious worship, Qia Gong), please be sure to wear a mask. In these areas are hard to maintain social distance with others to have a chance to close contact with unspecified people.


  1. Please continue to implement the education and communication about epidemic prevention to faculty and staff by the latest epidemic prevention regulations of the Central Epidemic Command Center (website: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/).


Your health, OSA's delight

Division of Health Services

Office of Student Affairs

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