分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處國際學者與境外學生服務組 - 徐敏樺 - issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905117
對象: 全校教職員
標題: 【OIA 國際處】Campus and personal safety propaganda 校園安全及人身安全宣導活動
日期: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 11:16:31 +0800

Foreign Affairs Division, Hualien County Police Department has held the “Campus and Personal Safety propaganda” in order to increase protection factors, reduce dangerous incidents and ensure the safety of campus. Except for Safety propaganda, police officers will demonstrate and teach self-defense skills on the spot. Cross-Domain Autonomous Learning Certification hours, Pastry box and Prized-Quiz will be provided. Welcome to join activity.

**Face masks required prior to entry.** 

Date: November 18th (Wednesday)
Time: 12:20~13:30
Venue: B210, Lecture room, College of Management 
Deadline: before 5 pm, November 16th
On-line registration: 
Campus Activities Reservation System: https://forms.gle/jvQJqRUp72dzNJNr5

If you have already registered on the google form, OIA will enter the registration information and cross-domain autonomous learning certification hours into campus activities reservation system for you. 



日期: 11月18日(三)
時間: 12:20~13:30
地點: 管理學院第一講堂B210
報名時間: 11月16日下午17點前
報名: 跨域自主學習活動暨報名系統


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