分類: 活動公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_教職員眷屬
標題: Boxing Class – one of extension & continuing courses offered by PE Center, 109-1 semester
日期: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 16:12:16 +0800

I.	Purpose: Hope that through the tutelage of this course students could attain self-defense skill.
II.	Course classification: non-credit course.
III.	Target of enrollment: Dong Hwa’s faculty, staff and average people.
IV.	Number of students: 8-10 persons, class will not open until there are at least 8 persons.
V.	Course name: Pugilism (Boxing) 
VI.	Course syllabus:  
1. Basic footwork in boxing 
2. The coordination between boxing paces and punches  
3. Hand target strikes
4. Punch bag strikes
VII.	Instructor: Mr. Chang, Yu-min.
VIII.	Class date: Sep. 17 ~ Nov. 5, 2020 (Thursday)
IX.	Class time: 18:00 ~ 20:00 pm, total 7 sessions (session of Mid-Autumn Festival week skipped). 
X.	Class venue: Taekwondo classroom of Gymnasium complex at Shoufeng campus.
XI.	Sign-up period: from this day forth till Sep. 11, 2020.   
XII.	Sign-up way: through website as follows: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeh-guQOVlwPeYDbFrX86DJUyfQXzqTk2wRMP9S2wBpbCRVdQ/viewform
XIII.	Tuition: NT$2100/per person. Please pay via Dong Hwa’s on-line payment system: https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/GA/onlinepay/pay.aspx
XIV.	This class is non-credit, continuing & extension course that accords no diploma.
XV.	Liaison: Should there be any questions on this course please contact: Mr. James Chuang /Tel. no: 03-8906613/ E-mail: James@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

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