分類: 活動公告
來源: 華語文中心 - 王鈺雅 - yu-ya@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5402
對象: 全校學生_大一_大二_大三_大四以上_碩士生_博士生_系所助理
標題: 【CLC activity】River Tracing Cultural trip【華語活動】精彩刺激的溯溪親水健行之旅!
日期: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 15:29:52 +0800
附檔: River Tracing Cultural trip.png (5 MB)   

Dear All,

Besides taking you to Green Island on July, this time CLC is taking you to adventure yourself with us into the beauty of the nature in Hualien. 
Instructors will be with us all along the way from the very beginning till the last minute until all of us complete River Tracing Challenge! We will observe and admire the great streams running all the way down making its way through marble and Gneiss making it a unique environment worth visiting. 
Could you imagine yourself laying down on the river and looking up to the sky and experience how it feels being surrounded and hugged by such nature. 

After River tracing, after giving our best at tracing what would it be better than having the best ending at one of the best Hot-pot Restaurant in the city! (All you can eat). 

This time, CLC is going to take you to the river!
Fill the form to join our River Tracing culture trip now!📷📷📷
* International student only.
📌Date: 2020/8/6 (Thursday)
📌Gathering time and place: 7:15A.M. At Humanities and Social Science Building III - Front door (We will be leaving on time at 7:20 A.M.)
📌Attendants: NDHU Foreign students.
Max. Number of attendant: 40 participants
📌CLC Website will post the list of all the attendants followed by a notification email. Make sure to make the payment within 3 days after receiving our notification email. In case payment is not made within 3 days, CLC will give opportunity to the next student in the waiting list and your participation will be taken as canceled.
📌Fee: NTD$400 per student.
📌If you would like to know more about CLC activities in the future, follow us up in our FB fanpage and welcome to join us! https://reurl.cc/qdx0RN




📌活動時間:2020/8/6 07:15 (07:20準時出發)
名額限制: 40人,以報名先後順序為主,於中心網頁公告綠取名單並email通知,於email後三天內至中心支付押金,即完成報名程序,若無則視同放棄,通知候補者遞補。
📌費用:每人 400 元(請自備零錢)


jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):

River Tracing Cultural trip.png

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