分類: 活動公告
來源: 學務處課外活動組 - 劉豫海 - lyh7680@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6235
對象: 全校學生
標題: 國立東華大學第十屆學生自治會選舉 選舉公告 10th General Election of National Dong Hwa University Student Association  Election Announcement
日期: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:34:23 +0800

1. Types of elections
     (1)Student Association CEO/ Deputy CEO
     (2)Student Association parliamentary 
2. The number of elections
     (1)Student Association CEO/ Deputy CEO: choose a group.(one CEO, one deputy CEO , collocation) 
     (2)Student Association parliamentary:choose Thirty-nine person
(college of humanities and social science for seven persons, college of science and engineering for seven persons, college of management for six persons, Hua-shih college of education for five persons, college of indigenous studies for five persons,college of the arts for five persons, college of environmental studies for four persons) 
3、 Electoral district
     (1)Student Association CEO/ Deputy CEO:take university as district. 
     (2)Student Association parliamentary:take college as district。 
4、 Registration day and registration process of candidate
     From announcement to 23:59 on April  23,109(Thu) is registration day.
 Pleace use title:
國立東華大學學生自治會 學生選舉委員會收( join Student Association CEO/ Deputy CEO electroal)
國立東華大學學生自治會 學生選舉委員會收( join Student Association parliamentary  electroal)
send the following information to  ndhusaec2017@gmail.com 
     (1)、Screenshot of registration from
link of Student Association CEO/ Deputy CEO registration form: https://reurl.cc/xZ1K6V
link of Student  Association parliamentary registration form: https://reurl.cc/Wdq8R9  
   (2)、Application from(download link of application form  https://reurl.cc/z8rEO0 .Please don’t change the format inside)。 
    (3)、Screenshot or picture of receipt of annual student association fee payment(If you need to make a payment, you can go to the student association to make a payment and get a receipt)
After the information is sent, the selection committee will reply within 24 hours that the registration is successful, indicating that the registration of the candidate has been successfully completed.If the candidate is informed that the materials need to be supplemented and is not processed within the registration time, it is deemed to have waived his eligibility to participate.
5、Date of draw
 May 4,109(Mon)
(1)At 13:00 noon, a lottery will be held in the conference room on the second floor of the administrative building to determine the number of candidates. The candidates are invited to attend in person or by an agent(please show Candidate power of attorney).Those who have not arrived will be selected by the Election Committee.(If there are changes, the follow-up announcement will be the main)
 (Candidate power of attorney download link https://reurl.cc/g7QpZp;https://reurl.cc/yZmGMO )
6、Candidate registration eligibility
     (1) Student Association CEO/ Deputy CEO 
          1、Anyone who has the ex-officio membership status of the association can register as the CEO and deputy CEO of the Student Association. 
      2、Members of cadres and personnel who have been dismissed, judges or impeached, corrected and established student association CEO or deputy CEO, student parliamentary, student councils, and student election committees are not allowed to run. 
          3、If you want to register as the CEO and deputy CEO of the Student Association, each group of candidates needs to pay a new deposit of NT $ 2,000 at the time of registration, which is kept by the student election committee.If the votes of the candidates in the current group do not reach 10% of the total votes, they will not be refunded and will be credited to the student association account.The elected person will refund the deposit after taking office. 
          4、Those who have not paid the student dues for the current academic year should make up the payment when registering for the election. 
     (2)Student Association parliamentary
         1.Members of cadres and personnel who have been dismissed, judges or impeached, corrected and established student association CEO or deputy CEO, student parliamentary, student councils, and student election committees are not allowed to run. 
          2.Those who have not paid the student dues for the current academic year should make up the payment when registering for the election. 
7、Date of Campaign period
Campaign period will start from 14:00on May 4,109(Mon) to 22:00 on May 14,109(Thu).
Promotional Area:All poster posting area in university.
8、Political Conference 
109/5 /8(Fri) 18:00 at Science and Engineering building Fourth lecture hall (If there are changes, the follow-up announcement will be the main) 
*If the candidate can participate in the political conference,the confirmation letter sent by the NDHUCEC must be answered in order to facilitate the arrangement of time on stage and meals.
*The candidate ’s political opinion published a video, which was uploaded to the designated cloud location by 23:59 on May 7, 109 (Thu) at the latest.。 
Voting place :library(right side of  main entrance) 
Voting time: from 09:00 to 17:00 on May 15,109(Fri)(arrive before17:00)。 
Voting method:ndhu registered student can take student card to vote.(Those without a student card can show their e-profile.)
On May 15,109(Fri)after voting will billing In front of the library.
Related legislation comply with National Dong Hwa University Student Association Election And Recall Act.If the explanation is not exhaustive,follow R.O.C Civil Servants Election And Recall Act.

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