分類: 行政公告
來源: 圖書資訊處採訪編目組 - cfliu - cfliu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6833
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 本校新訂「Turnitin論文原創性比對系統」,敬請多加利用  "Turnitin" similarity checking system is now available
日期: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 21:05:49 +0800
附檔: 01Turnitin東華大學使用流程.pdf (69 KB)   中文DM.pdf (477 KB)   

一、連線方式:圖書館首頁→電子資源→電子資料庫→Turnitin論文原創性比對系統 (可校外連線使用)
※ 使用注意事項:
1. 使用本系統前須先申請帳號,欲申請者請至下列網址進行帳號申請:
https://forms.gle/nTA2czMoTyuC7oFL7 (請以本校電子郵件信箱登錄)
2. 帳號申請約需2~3個工作天,流程請見附件檔「01.Turnitin東華大學使用流程」
3. 其他相關簡介請見附件檔案。
4. 如有帳號申請或使用問題請洽圖資服務組:email:corp@ndhu.edu.tw;校內分機:6824

Turnitin is an online tool that provides 'similarity' checking, and promote academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism, and improve student outcomes.
How to find Turnitin: Library Website→E-resources→Database→Turnitin
Please apply an account before using Turnitin.
※ Application Instructions:
1. Apply for the account and password of Turnitin system of National Don Hwa University teachers and fresh graduates.
2. Go to the following URL and login with your NDHU email address, then fill out the application form
3. The application must be processed on the usual working day through manual confirmation of identity. A notification letter will be sent no later than the end of the next working day. Please be patient and pay attention to whether the notification letter is classified as spam by gmail !
5. If you have any question in apply an account or in using Turnitin, please email to corp@ndhu.edu.tw
6. Or you can refer to the user interface manual or student interface teaching videos before using the system.

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