分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處 - 余惠真 - nacy4631@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906212
對象: 全校學生_大一_大二_大三_大四以上
標題: 【學生宿舍】109學年擷雲莊大學部專案住宿申請 ~營造溫馨的家~【Student Dormitory】 2020-2021 Academic Year Special Application for DormitoryⅠ(Jie Yuin) by Undergraduate Student  ~ Feeling Homey at Dorm~
日期: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 13:31:09 +0800
附檔: 擷雲莊大學部專案申請表_Application_form.docx (19 KB)   

1、	【申請資格】:
1) 團體申請:以4-8人為 1組提出專案申請,得享住宿寢室該層公共空間使用,寢室自行安排。
2) 個人申請:以個人方式提出申請。
3) 申請同學須具在學學籍且無宿舍相關欠費。
1) 請列印附檔申請表,填寫相關資料
2) 於申請人簽章處簽名(團體申請由一人代表)。
3) 交至生輔組辦理(依申請先後順序)。  
1) 此為專案申請,為避免影響其他室友之住宿權益,申請成功者務必繳交住宿保證金不得放棄床位。
2) 住宿保證金繳交時間為109年4月22日中午12時起至4月30日24時止,床位申請成功者須於期限內繳交住宿保證金(每人貳仟元整)以取得住宿資格,請同學務必留意繳費期限。
1) 109學年開放擷雲莊男、女生各2舍,入住作業另訂期程。
2) 個人方式申請住宿同學須配合生輔組進行寢室與床位編排。
3) 寢室床位預定於109年4月22日中午12時公佈,請自行至學生住宿申請系統查詢。
DormitoryⅠ(Jie Yuin ) is the only manor-style building on campus.  Each unit has 4-8 single rooms and a shared lounge. A variety of facilities are provided to ensure independent living space and comfort for residents. You are welcome to apply as a group (such as club members, sports teammates) so that you could build up a homey atmosphere by cooking, studying or else together.   

1. 【Eligibility】
1)	Group Application: A group of 4-8 undergraduate students could be formed up. Roommates could share the public area and arrange the rooms by themselves. 
2)	Individual Application: Any undergraduate student could apply for a single room. 
3)	All applicants should hold a valid NDHU student status and have paid off any previous outstanding dormitory fees.
2. 【Application Period】
   Immediately till the 2020/ 04/10 12:00
3. 【Application procedure】
1)	Print out an application form and fill it out. 
2)	Sign the form (group application to be signed by a representative) 
3)	Submit it to the Living Services Division(By order of application).
4. 【Pay the Deposit (2,000NT)】
1)  For the accommodation interests of all other student, applicants must pay the deposit and are not allowed to withdraw the application. 
2)  After application is approved, the deposit must be paid between 2020/04/22 12:00 and 2020/04/30 24:00.  
5. 【Dormitory Arrangement】
1)  Two male and two female section of DormitoryⅠ(Jie Yuin) will be open for 2019 -2020 academic year.  The check-in schedule will be announced.
2)  Individual applicants must cooperate with arrangement by the Student Living Services Division due to the dormitory accommodation conditions.
3)  The result will be announced on 2019/04/22 12:00. Please visit the website for further information.
6. Please read all of the regulations carefully before completing any dormitory application.
For questions or concerns, please contact: Ms. Chung at 03-8906217

Your safety, OSA's delight!
Student Living Services Division 

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