分類: 活動公告
來源: 語言中心 - 林瑜珊 - lc@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905492
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【語言中心講座】文學與電影--第三回:巫山雲 The Story of Adele H.
日期: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 16:40:15 +0800
附檔: 巫雲山海報.jpg (214 KB)   

講堂第三回所要介紹的是法國導演 Francois Truffaut 楚浮根據雨果女兒Adèle Hugo的愛情故事所拍成的電影「巫山雲」。同時分享美國女詩人Sylvia Plath 的詩作 "Mad Girl's Love Song” 探討愛情與瘋狂的界線以及迷戀的情狀和破壞力。
日期:3月27日(五) 時間:12:00~13:30
主講:林融慕 語言中心

Halifax, 1863. A young woman, Miss Lewly, comes to Halifax to search for Lt Pinson, with whom she is madly in love. Actually, she is Adèle Hugo, the second daughter of the great French literary figure and statesman. The Lt Pinson does not answer to her love and makes her understand it is hopeless. But as her obsession grows she keeps chasing and harassing him. This film about passionate yet obsessive love and self-destruction is based upon the real diary of Adèle Hugo. Written by Yepok

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