分類: 活動公告
來源: 體育中心 - 莊春昇 - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話890-6613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_教職員眷屬
標題: 108-2學期體育中心推廣教育開課資訊及報名網址
日期: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 08:28:01 +0800

已報名尚未繳費學員請盡快繳交,東華線上付款系統: https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/GA/onlinepay/pay.aspx。

Notice on information & sign-up websites for all Physical Education Center’s continuing & extension courses of semester 108-2, please refer to websites as follows, welcome your sign-up. 

Those who have signed up courses but not yet paid please pay up ASAP. Dong Hwa’s on-line payment system please refers to website listed above.

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