分類: 活動公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話890-6613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_教職員眷屬
標題: Spinning Bike Aerobics, extension course of 108-2 semester offered by PE Center
日期: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 16:20:13 +0800

Physical Education Center offers a continuing & extension course on Spinning Bike Aerobics in semester 108-2.

The purpose of this course is to increase endurance of lower extremities and cardiopulmonary function through treading on the spinning bikes, meanwhile to sculpt a perfect physique by quickly burning tons of calorie.  

Object of enrollment: faculty, students and off-campus residents

Number of enrollments: 8 persons, class will not open unless there are at least 8 persons.

Class Time: 12:40~ 13:40 pm, Thursday 
Date: Mar. 5 ~ Mar.26, 2020
Each class consists of 4 sessions.
Instructor: Mr. Zhu, Ya-fan
Venue: Fitness training room, Gymnasium complex of National Dong Hwa University at Shoufeng campus

Enrollment deadline: by Mar. 4, 2020 (Wed)

Charge: NT$ 1000/ per person. 

Sign-up: please log up to website as follows: 

Tuition payment: please effect your payment through Dong Hwa’s on-line payment system as follows: http://web.ndhu.edu.tw/ga/onlinepay/main.aspx
or pay up directly to Physical Education Center’s office during office hours. 

Contact: Mr. James Chuang Tel. no.:03-890-6613, 

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