分類: 行政公告, 其他公告
來源: 學務處 - 黃勇程 - victor0903@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906126
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【住宿安全】請注意防範一氧化碳中毒【Safety Reminder】Attention to Ventilation & Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
日期: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 08:51:23 +0800

有關防範一氧化碳中毒相關知識與宣導,可參考內政部消防署網站(網址: http://www.nfa.gov.tw/Main/Unit.aspx?ID=&MenuID=500&ListID=315)

您平安,學務處 安心!

Dear all:
As the weather gets chilly, the Office of Student Affairs would like to emphasize the importance of preventing carbon monoxide poisoning.Please be noted:
1.Be sure to keep good air circulation indoors while using gas water heaters or cooking with gas stove. 
2.Do not close all windows and doors at the same time to avoid serious carbon monoxide poisoning.
More about carbon monoxide poisoning prevention, please refer to Ministry of Interior website (URL: http://www.nfa.gov.tw/Main/Unit.aspx?ID=&MenuID=500&ListID=315)
Your Safety OSA’s Delight!
 Emergency Line: 0937-295995

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