分類: 行政公告, 其他公告
來源: 學務處 - 朱肇遠 - borisju@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906226
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【Announcement】In order to maintain the tranquility and the quality of accommodation in the dormitory area at night, please do not make loud noise and do keep your voice down while conducting night activities. Those who violate the regulations will be punished in accordance with school rules.
日期: Tue, 5 Nov 2019 14:47:05 +0800

Dear fellow students,
1. Recently, it’s been reported that some students make noise at night near the East Community House, which has caused a serious impact on the quality of accommodation.
2. In accordance with Article 9 of Guidelines for the management of student dormitories, in order to maintain the tranquility and the quality of accommodation in the dormitory area at night, as well as the purpose of health promotion, the public areas around dormitories (West Community House and East Community House) are under the management of the dormitory areas as follows:
a. Students should follow the student dormitory regulations during the control time, from 22:30 to 06:00.. To avoid any behaviors that will affect others' peace, it is forbidden to interfere with others' sleeping in the vicinity or make noise in dormitory areas.
b. If the regulations stated above are violated, punishment will be enforced. The management personnel or the school security personnel have the right to order the offenders to leave. Students who repeatedly violated, are arrogant or uncooperative, a dormitory resident will be handled in accordance with Article 6 of the Guidelines, while non-resident students with the Guidelines for NDHU Student Rewards and Punishments.. 
3. In order to maintain the tranquility and the quality of accommodation at night , the public areas surrounding the dormitories (West Community House and East Community House) are under the management of dormitory. During the control time, students should choose appropriate places and keep their noise down while conducting any activity at night.
4. If you notice any disturbance during the hours specified above, please feel free to call 03-8906119 (School Security Office) or 0937295995 (School Emergency line) for assistance.
5.Please cooperate to maintain the tranquility and the quality of accommodation in the dormitory area at night.
Your safety, Our delight!.
Student Living Services Division
Office of Student Affairs

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