分類: 活動公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話890-6613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_教職員眷屬
標題: Kayak experience camp IX held on East Lake by PE Center, NDHU, Oct.19.2019
日期: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 11:46:16 +0800
附檔: 108.10.16獨木舟.jpg (446 KB)   

This kayak experience camp is offered by Physical Education Center, NDHU, whose purpose is to let faculty, students and average citizens have the opportunities to familiarize kayak sports by dint of paddling around the waters of East Lake against the surrounding beautiful environment, to advance quality of water recreational activities and then cultivate passion and loving for water sports. 

Participants: children, students of elementary, high school, university and average persons. 

Each session enrolls at most 25 persons

Camp date/time:

Check-in time:
Class check in at 15:30~16:00 pm, Oct.19 (Sat), 2019

Class time: 15:30 ~18:30

Sign-up fee: NT$150/per person, please pay up on spot.

Sign-up website:  https://forms.gle/aGJCNEp1YB5EaPoi6

Applicants will be dealt with in first-in-first-served basis.

Sign-up date: from this day forth till class capacity is full. 

Course syllabus:
Time/Activities/Venue:East Lake of NDHU
15:30~16:00/Check in at East Lake side, be divided into teams and environs orientation.
16:00~16:30/Safety briefing on water sports, kayak equipment introduction, paddle strokes and practice over land. 	
16:30~17:30/Basic skill on kayaking, board & disembark, paddle forward, paddle backward, paddle sidelong, 360 degree rotation, mooring.
17:30~18:30/Group activities on kayak, stand up on line-up kayaks, free paddling.

18:30 /Questionnaire, equipment tidy-up & restoration.

Remarks: Please wear sandals which can be easily slipped on and off, bring with you towel, hat, drinking water.

If weather should take a nasty turn that is not suitable for rowing in the open, the activity would be cancelled. 

Contact: pauline.ning@hotmail.com

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