分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 謝家榛 - stoven@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8903267
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【環境學院十週年活動】誰比我會繪畫徵選通知。Painting competition: “Who Could Possibly Be Better Than Me?”
日期: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 15:37:47 +0800
附檔: 環境學院繪畫徵選活動108.9.18-108.10.18.jpg (534 KB)   Painting competition -Who Could Possibly Be Better Than Me(英文版).jpg (520 KB)   




🔹徵件時間:108/9/18(三)~ 108/ 10/18(五)
1.	請在期限內將作品繳交至環境學院自資系系學會會辦A105【收件時間為每個禮拜三下午5點到5點半】。
2.	請提供姓名、系級、作品簡介(50字內)等資料於期限內寄到410654053@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

1.	系上老師評分:
2.	全校投票:
        🔸投票時間:108/10/21(一)~ 108/11/1(五)



Painting competition: “Who Could Possibly Be Better Than Me?”
What comes to mind when you think of the College of Environmental Studies? Is it the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies? Is it the Campus Center for the Environment? Or is it the Dong Hwa University Guest House or Hwa Lake?
All you have to do is paint people or things related to our department (and write an appropriate and thorough introduction about your piece) to have the opportunity to win a gift certificate (top prize: NT$1,000!).

🔹Those eligible: Any student or teacher at Dong Hwa.
🔹Theme: College of Environmental Studies.
🔹Paper size: 8K (27.25 x 39 cm). Your submission must be flat. Any materials are acceptable.
🔹Submission dates: Sept. 18, 2019~ Oct. 18, 2019
🔹Submission process: Submit your name, department, year of study, and a written introduction of the painting  by e-mail to 410654015@gms.ndhu.edu.tw. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

The artwork will be scored by professors in the College of Environmental Studies and anonymous online voting, each accounting for 50% of the score. Pieces will be posted based on a serial number given according to the order in which they are submitted, and only the artistic concept will be shared publicly (no personal information will be posted).
  1. Scoring by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies:
    🔹A total of up to 50 points will be given to submissions based on concept (25points) and aesthetic presentation (25 points). 
    🔹Scoring cards will be issued to the evaluators on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019, and collected on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019. 
  2. Online voting: 
🔹Those eligible to vote: Any student or teacher at Dong Hwa.
🔹Voting period: Oct. 21, 2019~ Nov. 1, 2019.
🔹Log in to your school e-mail account to access Goggle Forms to vote. You may only vote for one submission. 
🔹The submissions with the greatest number of votes will be awarded and displayed on Nov. 11, 2019, in the 1st-floor lobby of the College of Environmental Studies. Everyone is welcome to come check them out! 

※ The event organizer reserves the right to change, modify, or cancel any part of the competition. Any changes will be announced on the fan page of the Student Association of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies.

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):


Painting competition -Who Could Possibly Be Better Than Me(英文版).jpg

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