分類: 活動公告
來源: 觀光暨休閒遊憩學系 - 莊博鈞  - 41053A077@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話0938697160
對象: 全校學生_大一_大二_大三_大四以上_碩士生_博士生
標題: 【觀遊系】 The welcoming party and the workshop of experiential education from Skywalker
日期: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 08:56:54 +0800

The welcoming party and the workshop of experiential education from Skywalker

What’s Experiential Education? What’s the difference between experiential education and traditional learning process? If YOU want to know the answer, you definitely need to come to our workshop to find out!

What interesting processes and results you will be through, if you are all in the experiential education? Once you’ve been through the self-reflection after the activities of experiential education, you will be inspired and find the inner self that you never know or you don’t really perceive ever. The learning process of experiential education is worth to be a reference whatever you want to pursue Environmental Education, Outdoor Education, the good forming of team, and the personal growing.


The name of the workshop:
The welcoming party and the workshop of experiential education from Skywalker

Date: 10/08
Time: 18:30~20:30
Place: The room B203 in the faculty of management (a.k.a. fireplace)

Registration Form:

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