分類: 活動公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話890-6613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_教職員眷屬
標題: Basic Weight Training, extension course of 108-1 semester offered by PE Center
日期: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 14:33:24 +0800

Physical Education Center offers a continuing & extension course on Basic Weight Training in semester 108-1.

The purpose of this course is to let trainees understand that by means of appropriate training does it ensure stable muscle growth, and through which one can learn training ways about muscle groups of gross motor and fine motor.  After correctly adjusted postures and notions, one can fix a schedule and engage in self-training.

Object of enrollment: faculty, students and off-campus residents

Number of enrollments: 12 persons, class will not open unless there are at least 6 persons.

Class Time: 19:00~ 20:00, Monday 
Date: Oct. 7 ~ Nov. 4, 2019
Each class consists of 5 sessions.
Instructor: Mr. Lu, Song-zhe
Venue: Taekwondo classroom, Gymnasium complex of National Dong Hwa University at Shoufeng campus

Enrollment deadline: by Oct 4, 2019 (Fri)

Charge: NT$ 1500/ per person. (20% off for Dong Hwa’s faculty & students-NT$1200/per person; 10 % off for Dong Hwa employees’ dependents, retirees and alumni-NT$1350/per person)

Sign-up: please log up to website as follows: 

Tuition payment: please effect your payment through Dong Hwa’s on-line payment system as follows: http://web.ndhu.edu.tw/ga/onlinepay/main.aspx
or pay up directly to Physical Education Center’s office during office hours. 

Contact: Mr. James Chuang Tel. no.:03-890-6613, 

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