分類: 行政公告, 其他公告
來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 程勝利 - pink389124@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906216
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 再次提醒,中央氣象局報導預定於8月23日上午發布編號「第11號(BAILU)」海上颱風警報,請注意!The Central Weather Bureau Typhoon Watch Advisory #11 (BAILU)
日期: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 17:39:45 +0800
附檔: Download_PTA_201908220600_zhtw.png (186 KB)   


1.	檢查室外盆栽、室內重要擺飾或懸掛物等,予以固定、取下或移至安全地點。
2.	請於下班時,確實關閉所有電源、水源、瓦斯及加強門窗緊閉等事宜。
3.	注意各處排水孔、排水溝的暢通做好防颱工作。
4.	注意自身安全,在颱風期間勿前往水邊及山區活動。
5.	請宿舍住戶做好防颱準備,應準備蠟燭、手電筒並儲水備用以防停電、停水;並檢查門窗是否牢靠,必要時應加釘木板;房屋外、庭院內,各種懸掛物件、花盆應即取下,避免被強風吹落變成傷人利器。
6.	請各單位人員於颱風過後立即檢查所管空間及設備之受損情形,儘速回報各棟管理員並線上報修(http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/GA/GaApply/Login.aspx),以利於教育部規定期限內回報災情。


~ 學務處關心您 ~

The Central Weather Bureau Typhoon Watch Advisory #11 (BAILU)

The Central Weather Bureau has issued Typhoon Watch Advisory #11 for Typhoon (BAILU) as it currently situated over waters and is quickly approaching. It would affect Taiwan.
We kindly remind our staff and students to make your storm preparations early. Also please refrain from engaging in any outdoor activities, especially in mountainous areas or any area near bodies of water. Organizers and participants of any outdoor activity/event should also very pay close attention to the path of the storm and make arrangements in advance, so that if needs be, changes in routes or ending times of the activity/event can be timely communicated. 

The latest on the path of the storm can be accessed at any time on The Central Weather Bureau’s website from the webpage below:

~The Student Living Services Divsion cares about your safety~

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