分類: 活動公告
來源: 音樂學系 - 楊文欽 - fael-4593@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905170
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_系所助理_兼任教師_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 7/14巴黎左岸音緣~法國國慶日音樂會
日期: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 11:57:12 +0800
附檔: 巴黎左岸音緣.jpg (468 KB)   

    Eurocuivres今年再次與國立東華大學音樂系和音樂系管樂團合作,這個第二屆的國際暑期營隊將於2019年7月9日至14日在台灣花蓮,有著最美麗校園之稱的國立東華大學中舉辦。暑假在花蓮,除了好山好水更有好音樂! Eurocuivres Asia是一個國際音樂節,我們不分年齡與程度、歡迎世界各地的銅管、打擊和木管演奏者一同參與這個盛會。學員們在提高個人演奏能力之外,更能在營隊過程中獲得畢生難忘的音樂氛圍與體驗。

2019/7/14(日)14:30  花蓮原民館演藝廳 (花蓮市北興路160號)



    There will be a great concert in Hualien Indigenous Peoples Concert Hall(No. 160, Beixing Road, Hualien City)on July 14, 2019. The program includes Teachers’ Brass Band, Students’ Wind Band and Brass Band, and Grand Symphonic Band. Performers include 26 teachers from France and Taiwan, and near one hundred students from USA, Vietnam, Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Music have many styles and colors. It will be a nice music journey.
2019 marks the second edition of Eurocuivres Asia, in partnership with the National Dong Hwa University and the Symphonic Wind Band of Department of Music, Dong Hwa University. This festival takes place from July 9-14, 2019 in Hualien, Taiwan. Eurocuivres Asia is an international music festival that welcomes all brass, percussion and woodwind players of all age and of any level from all over the world. Participants will be exposed to an unforgettable musical experience while improving their playing skill level.
This year features a French Horn International Competition, chamber music performances, masterclasses and clinics led by international renowned artists from top conservatories, universities and orchestras, whose guidance will help students on your way toward excellence.

Ten free tickets will be provided to the international students of National Dong Hwa University. Please contact Mr. Wen-Ching Yang (03)890-5170 at the Office of Music Department. 


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