分類: 活動公告
來源: 藝術學院 - 梁玄 - lwtai@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話(03)8321321
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生
標題: 【College of the Arts】Chin-Jung Chen  Solo Exhibition - music and my painting
日期: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 09:21:02 +0800
附檔: 陳景容畫展宣傳.jpeg (916 KB)   

An Art Feast Not to Be Missed
Chin-Jung Chen  Solo Exhibition - music and my painting
2019.4.3-4.17, 1 to 8 pm, 
closed on Mondays 
Venue: Artopia Art Space (No. 5, Lane 65, Guangfu Street, Hualien City)
Near Hualien Cultural and Creative Park

Event Description:
Professor Chen, aged 85, has won numerous art awards at home and abroad. In 2006, he was appointed as an honorary professor by the Fine Arts Department of National Taiwan Normal. On June 11, 2003, at the 83rd birthday of Pope Paul, he donated his elaborate mosaic inlaid "Sacred House Painting" as a birthday gift, and the permanent collection was in the Vatican Museum; later his work was noticed by the National Library of France. There are 30 prints and sketches entered in their collection. Although his paintings mostly are in a cool tone, the style is rather lonely, cold and delicate, they convey a surreal artistic conception,
which made Professor Chen the pioneer of Taiwan's surrealist paintings.

The National Institute of Art of Donghua University is honored to host a solo exhibition of "Music and My Painting" for Professor Chen at the Artopia Art Space it manages in the downtown of Hualien city.  

4/3 2-4pm, on-site will be music performances performed by professors of music department and there will be a signing ceremony by Professor Chen for the book he published “the sketches he made during the concerts”. 
There will be 2 lectures organized with Prof. Han-Jin Chen, a musicologist and scholar from the National Taiwan Normal University, whose studies have been for a longtime on the relationships between Art and Music.

More details:
I. 4/3  14:00-16:00
Vernissage/ Reception 
Music Performance,
Face to Face with Artist,
Book Signing by Artist (for“Sketches I made during the concerts" )

2. 4/3  19:00-21:30 
Topic : When Paintings Yearn for Music--talking from Chin-Jung Chen’s paintings
Artist Chen not only loves music, but also has close interaction with musicians. He often uses music to enter the painting. In all his paintings, there often floats with some quiet and mysterious musical sense, suggesting an indescribable deep poetry. This feeling of "painting yearning for music" is quite obviously the main tendency of art development after the end of the 19th century. How do Western art and music gradually interact in modern times? How does visual art attempt to express the effects of auditory art? How does "musicality" become the highest realm pursued by painters?

3, 4/4 14:00-16:30
Topic : The Music and Painting of the Painter Schoenberg
The profound influence of Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) on the development of "modern music" is well known; he set up a bridge between the music of the 19th and 20th centuries. When creating a forward-looking music, Schoenberg interacted a lot with people in the art world, had a keen interest in plastic arts, and even studied painting, and participated in the most avant-garde exhibitions at that time! Is painting just a hobby for the musician? The truth may not be as simple as most people think. What parallelism can be found between Schoenberg’s music works and art works? How does he interact with the painter Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)?

Organizer: College of the Arts
Co-organizers: Chin-Jung Chen Art and Culture Foundation, Hualien Mennonite Christian Hospital, Yun-Chen Culture Publishing House, 008 James Pond Coffee

Activity Contact: Liang Xuan
Contact Phone: (03) 832-1321
Contact E-Mail: gudan816@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

Students' cross-domain self-learning certification will be granted. The hours are 2 to 2.5 hours for each event and 7 hours for all three events.
Registration URL: https://goo.gl/forms/LyC8iEvH4J0r2FiA3

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