分類: 其他公告
來源: 教學卓越中心 - 游家盛 - hyttepd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6589
對象: 全校學生_系所助理
標題: 【教卓中心】107-2教學助理培訓講座 / TA Training Courses 誠摯邀請您~
日期: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 11:25:17 +0800



Dear all
Center for Teaching Excellence will host 5 TA training courses, all international and local students, who are interested in finding out more about the University’s TA program and the role and responsibilities of a TA, are welcome to attend.
Note: Students have to complete 2 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses, then apply for TA certificate. If you are a current TA with a TA certificate, you may apply for the TA Excellence Awards by *15th week. (CC= Compulsory course)
Click the following link. http://teaching.ndhu.edu.tw/files/13-1095-66350.php
Sign up: http://cte.ndhu.edu.tw/cen1/cen1_sign_up/

	3/15(五)13:00-15:00 /理工二館E105 /宜蘭大學官淑蕙博士/【TA講座】課堂有效教學~善用BOPPPS教學模組/Making your teaching more effective! - Using the teaching module "BOPPPS"
	3/18(一)16:00-18:00 /教育學院PC1(B217)/CTE 潘錦華小姐/【TA講座】影片剪輯技巧_幼幼班(Tips and Tricks for Video Editing )
	3/22(五)16:00-18:00 /教育學院PC1(B217) / 教學卓越中心王立凡先生/【TA講座】東華E學苑使用說明(必修)/NDHU E-Learning(CC)
	3/28(四)18:00-20:00 /教育學院A109講堂 / 教學卓越中心張德勝主任 /【TA講座】TA不可知道的性別大小事/Does gender matter with TA: What you should know before getting on board.
	4/10(三)18:00-20:00 /人社二館B213(共B213) / 教學卓越中心王立凡先生 /【TA講座】東華E學苑使用說明(必修)/NDHU E-Learning(CC)(加開場)
	5/10(五) 13:30~15:30 / 圖資大樓B棟 資PC2電腦教室 / 觀遊系陳麗如老師 / 【TA講座】如何運用EXCEL管理學生成績
	5/24(五)13:00-15:00 /理工二館E105/宜蘭大學官淑蕙博士/【TA講座】動滋動滋~如何讓你的課堂「動起來」/(教學互動技巧)Interactive Instructional Skills

【English taught TA course】 -------------------------------------------
	4/22(Mon)14:00-16:00 /Humanities and Social Sciences BLG II B209 /Mr. Amano Lin, Chian-Li/【TA Course】Brain to brain presentation (English taught course)
	4/23(Tue)12:00-13:30 /Humanities and Social Sciences BLG II B209 /共教會林迦音助理/【TA Course】Guidelines to Using NDHU teaching facilities (CC) (English taught course)
	4/25(Thu)12:00-13:30 /Humanities and Social Sciences BLG II B209 /CTE張德勝主任/【TA Course】Does gender matter with TA: What you should know before getting on board. (English taught course)
	4/29(Mon)14:00-16:00 /Humanities and Social Sciences BLG II B209 /Mr. Amano Lin, Chian-Li/【TA Course】Time management (English taught course)
	4/30(Tue)12:00-13:30 /Humanities and Social Sciences BLG II B209 /共教會林迦音助理/【TA Course】NDHU E-Learning(CC) (English taught course)

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