分類: 活動公告, 其他公告
來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 陳芳甫 - a779563@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6224
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 本校2018校慶系列活動-畢咖必腳(ㄎㄚ)~單車環山活動報名公告   NDHU Liyu Bike Challenge for 2018 School Anniversary Celebration Activity Registration Announcement
日期: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 14:26:09 +0800
附檔: 時間、路線及注意事項.docx (562 KB)   

4.租車(借帽)人員請於活動日(2018/11/15)07:30,攜帶身份證件(或學生證、教職員證), 至行政大樓集合點辦理領取(借用)手續;並於活動結束後,於原地點歸還車輛取回證。途中若肇生車、帽損壞,經廠商審查認為外力所致,則租賃人應負修護責任。
5.集合時間、地點:2018/11/15 (四)08:00,行政大樓前廣場。

學務處   敬邀

NDHU Liyu Bike Challenge for 2018 School Anniversary Celebration Activity Registration Announcement
The NDHU Liyu Bike Challenge for 2018 School Anniversary Celebration will be held on 11/15(Thu). Make sure to register and participate.
1.	The activity involves riding up to Liyu Lake and then coming back to Dong Hwa’s campus(about 20.2 kilometers). Everyone is welcome to join, and we especially encourage professors and those who are about to graduate to participate as well!
2.	Online Registration (linked below) is open from now until 11/09 (Fri). Website Link: https://osa.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1007-153.php
3.	In order to be able to include those who don’t have a bicycle and/or helmet, the host of the event shall be offering to borrow the necessary equipment. The number is limited (100 bicycles), so priority will be given to those who complete the registration first.
4.	Meeting time and place: On 11/15(Thr) 08:00, in front of the administration building.
People who are borrowing a bike/helmet should:
-	Be there at 07:30 in order to complete the borrowing procedure on time.
-	Bring their identity document (student ID card, staff member card, etc.) which shall be given back after the equipment is returned.
5.	If the bicycle and/or helmet are damaged during use, the user shall be responsible for any repairs that the rental company might consider fit upon reviewing the equipment’s condition.
6.	Upon completing the challenge, participants will receive a price for participation.
7.	Insurance for this activity will be handled by the Student Living Services Division. However, if students are found to disobey the guidance provided by staff or have been extremely left behind (not arriving at the Liyu Lake Rest Stop by 10:30): Due to security concerns, the staff may disqualify the participant, and said participant will be promptly taken back to campus.

The Office of Student Affairs welcomes you to join!

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