分類: 活動公告, 演講暨研討會
來源: 原住民民族學院 - 族文系 - sylong@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5762
對象: 全校教師_碩士生_博士生_系所助理
標題: 12/14族群關係與文化學系「教師社群交流座談會」
日期: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 09:24:04 +0800
附檔: 20171214-Adina Zemanek海報.png (997 KB)   

12/14星期四中午族群關係與文化學系「教師社群交流座談會」邀請波蘭籍學者Adina Zemanek博士分享近年來歐洲的台灣研究。


Zemanek博士於2010年自波蘭亞捷隆大學(Jagiellonian University)取得人類學博士,專攻於台灣媒體與文化、台灣國家認同、記憶與歷史,以及性/別議題。

近年來,中華民國政府透過歐洲的「台灣研究」(Taiwan Studies)資助,企圖建立台灣在歐洲的能見度,然而這是否如願帶來「歐洲-台灣」雙向交流與學術發展?本場演講者Zemanek博士目前為中央研究院社會學研究所訪問學者,將透過數個台灣品牌的國際案例,探討台灣國際能見度以及在地流行文化。本次交流座談會將介紹台灣政府在歐洲所推動的學術研究重點和現況,其中包括波蘭學界目前的台灣研究發展。

This presentation will start with an introduction to the situation of Taiwan Studies in Poland. I will outline the local factors that have influenced the emergence of this discipline and condition its further path, as well as recent R.O.C. initiatives aimed at supporting academic research and exchange in other countries, also available in Poland. I will argue that the great potential that these R.O.C. funding programs bring for developing Taiwan Studies is not always fully brought into play: for reasons coming from both sources (Polish and Taiwanese), they do not necessarily contribute to making Taiwan visible. I will then go on to discuss the issue of Taiwan's international visibility with examples from my own research. I will compare official Taiwanese nation branding projects with definitions of Taiwan formulated by texts of popular culture (mainly tourist souvenirs), and argue that it is grassroots agents, and not state institutions, who offer a more coherent vision of national specificity.

*現場為brown-bag talk形式,請自備輕食。本系亦提供有簡易披薩和咖啡。

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