分類: 其他公告
來源: 教學卓越中心 - 游家盛 - hyttepd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話2589
對象: 全校學生_系所助理
標題: English Talk  on 4/26, 5/24
日期: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 08:38:17 +0800

Dear all

All international and local students are welcome to join the Lunch Talk on 4/26 & 5/24.

Speaker: Dr. Nick Yeh
Location:  Education Bldg. B304
Topic 2.     
4/26(Wed) 12:30-14:00
 Multi-cultural Education in the US: The Claremont Experience the Past 40 Years and Beyond.

With international students representing 10% of the total student body, The Claremont Colleges (ranked in the top 10 in national liberal arts colleges in the US) runs year-round programs and activities meant to enhance cross-cultural communication, understanding and collaboration.  The lunch talk will give a verbal and visual narrative of how The Claremont Colleges’ International Place transformed from a weekend get-together in a garage in the small college town to an organization which even journals about higher education once wrote about.

美國的多元文化教育: Claremont 克萊蒙學院 40 年來的經驗與展望
克萊蒙學院 (全美文理學院排名前 10) 全校有 10% 的國際學生. 校方全年都在致力於辦理各種提昇跨文化溝通, 合作與了解的活動.  本次講座以說故事的方式, 分享克萊蒙學院的國際學生服務處 International Place 如何從ㄧ個小車庫裡的周末小聚會, 發展到ㄧ個連美國高教學術期刊都爭相書寫的學校組織.

 Sign up at: http://cte.ndhu.edu.tw/cen1/cen1_sign_up/form.php?course=1004
Topic 3.      
5/24(Wed)  12:30-14:00
A White Student in a Historically Black College: Heritage Preservation and Survival of Ethnic Colleges.

This lunch talk will begin with some background information about how ethnic colleges came about in the States from the 19th to the mid-20th century, the matriculation issues these colleges face after the 2008 economic downturn, American colleges’ general approach towards the financial challenges and in turn, how American students react to what is called “the second yellow fever.”

ㄧ個白人學生在黑人大學: 美國特定族裔大專院校在生存與傳統的抉擇
本次講座從美國特定族裔大專院校 (19 世紀到 20 世紀中葉) 的起源開始談起, 接著聊目前這些大專院校在 2008 經濟海嘯後面對招生的窘境, 進而討論美國總體大專院校對財政問題的基本策略, 以及美國學生對於 “第二次黃潮” 的反應.

 Sign up at : http://cte.ndhu.edu.tw/cen1/cen1_sign_up/form.php?course=1005

                                                         教學卓越中心(CTE)、國際處(OIA)、教育與潛能開發學系 敬邀

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