分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處國際學術合作與交流組 - 王韻蘋 - ice@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8634107
對象: 全校學生
標題: Call for Participants of "Tokyo Study Tour 2016"
日期: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 13:43:17 +0800
附檔: Call for Participants of Tokyo Study Tour 2016.pdf (205 KB)   

本校姊妹校東京首都大學(Tokyo Metropolitan University)將於今年12月辦理「Tokyo Study Tour」,徵求亞洲姊妹校學生參與。相關資訊如下,詳情請參附件。

1. Introduction
Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) is seeking applications from Asian students who possess enthusiasm for learning about urban issues in the modern metropolises through study tours and workshops in Tokyo in December 2016.

In the program, TMU and students from the Asian Universities (the partner institutions of TMU) will plan for two days of study tours in Tokyo. Through preparation, students from Japan and other Asian countries will discuss and examine the modern urban issues in Asia. They will also practice the tour together in Tokyo to explore and specific agenda items for urban spaces and societies.

2. Date: December 10th–11th, 2016
Application period: April 1st–May 31st, 2016 (JST)

3. Requirements:
(1) Students who have an interest in urban issues, especially in urban issues of the Modern Tokyo
(2) A good command of English is required. Participants will need to engage in discussions and make a presentation in English.
(3) Recommendation from a professor at their University

4. Tasks for participants:
(1) Prepare for study tours along with discussion (via Skype) with TMU students
(2) Conduct study tours with other students. A limited number of groups will be formed for study tours.
(3) Participants will develop a study tour plan with Japanese students before going to Japan. Students from Asian countries who have no experience in Japan are also welcome.
(4) The communication among participants during each study tour will be in English
(Pre-workshops, discussions held after the tours, presentations, and others).
(5) Prepare and send a report to TMU professors after participants return home.

意者請於4月1日至5月31日將申請文件(詳見附件)寄給Prof. Kahoruko Yamamoto (email: kahoruko@tmu.ac.jp)。

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):

Call for Participants of Tokyo Study Tour 2016.pdf

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