分類: 活動公告
來源: 藝術中心 - arts - arts@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632604/2606
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 【敬邀參加】2015東華春藝季~【Helen Sung 】爵士鋼琴獨奏音樂會
日期: Thu, 28 May 2015 16:03:47 +0800
附檔: Helen sung 爵士鋼琴獨奏音樂會海報.jpg (800 KB)   春藝季海報_公告.jpg (2 MB)   

【Helen Sung 】爵士鋼琴獨奏音樂會
Helen Sung’s Jazz Piano Solo Concert
時間:2015年6月4日(四) 19:00開始 (18:40進場)
演出者:Helen Sung
Date: June 4th (Thursday), 2015
Time: 19:00
Venue: Lecture Hall, Student Activities Center
2015東華春藝季將於6月4日晚間7點邀請Helen Sung前來東臺灣進行一場爵士鋼琴的音樂饗宴。Helen Sung 獨特的音樂來自於嚴格的古典樂訓練以及二十歲後的爵士樂訓練,讓她更能掌握兩者音樂之間的界線,如同她華裔第二代的身份,中西文化的兼容並蓄一般,形塑了她最真的自我。
Helen Sung 出生於德州休士頓, 5 歲開始學習古典鋼琴,啟蒙恩師是一位除了古典樂之外不聽其他音樂的老師。大學時期她在 Austin 大學主修古典鋼琴,原以為畢業後會順理成章的當個古典鋼琴家並以演出及教學為生,沒想到一場 Harry Connick, Jr 的演奏會深深影響了Helen Sung。演奏會之後,Helen Sung 開始積極參與各種爵士課程,並將她能夠查到的爵士鋼琴樂手都深入研究了一番,大學畢業後申請了Monk Institute的爵士音樂系,在Ron Carter底下專心的學習了兩年的爵士課程。
畢業後,Helen Sung發行了多張專輯,許多的巡演邀約在專輯銷售後蜂擁而至,使得她與許多知名藝人有合作的機會,像是Clark Terry, T.S. Monk, Steve Turre, Regina Carter, Lonnie Plaxico and Terri Lyne Carrington….等。而Helen Sung在專輯中所要表達的態度是"這就是我,不管你愛不愛",並享受自己勇於表達自我的態度,對於音樂家而言實屬難能可貴。相信這場音樂會將是一場獨特且難忘的心靈饗宴!歡迎愛好爵士鋼琴的觀眾們一同蒞臨東華大學學生活動中心演講廳欣賞演出!
「Helen Sung 爵士鋼琴獨奏音樂會」演出,可計入本校學生電子學習履歷暨公務人員終身學習時數2小時,現場填寫活動問卷或至「國立東華大學藝術中心」Facebook粉絲頁打卡按讚,也將可獲得精美小禮物一份!如有任何問題,歡迎來電洽詢,電話:03-8632604、2606,活動公告網址:http://www.arts.ndhu.edu.tw/。
*「2015東華春藝季 Helen Sung 爵士鋼琴獨奏音樂會」演出地點為東華大學學生活動中心演講廳內演出,為維護演出品質與觀賞安全,場內座位額滿後,即不再開放觀眾進場,若造成不便之處,敬請見諒!

Ms Helen Sung is the second generation of an overseas Chinese family. The strict training in Classical Music she received as a child and that in Jazz she received during her twenties has allowed her to accurately grasp the fine line between the two types of music. Ms Sung released her first album “Push” in 2003 and “Helenistique” in 2006. She joined Sunnyside in 2007 then released two albums, “Sungbird After Albeniz” and “Going Express”.
Ms Sung’s performance has been looked at attentively in the Jazz circle, and she therefore has received many invitations to music tours. Actually, she has coped with a lot of famous artists, such as Clark Terry, T.S. Monk, Steve Turre, Regina Carter, Lonnie Plaxico and Terri Lyne Carrington.
In 2014 she teamed up with Regiona Carter and Clarinetist Paquito D'Rivera and released “Anthem for a New Day” soon attracting heated discussions. In 2015 Helen Sung is going to bring her Jazz Tornado to National Dong Hwa University hoping to give everyone a different Jazz feast.

Helen Sung’s Personal Webpage & Facebook Page

Should there be any change, please refer to the announcements made on the webpage of NDHU’s Arts Center. (Website: www.arts.ndhu.edu.tw)


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