分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際學術合作與交流組 - 黃雅憶 - ice@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8634109
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 2014 International Cultural Festival last minute!2014年國際文化系列活動最後通告~
日期: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:49:38 +0800
附檔: 2014國際週系列活動.pdf (547 KB)   2014International_Cultural_ Festival.pdf (295 KB)   

2014 International Cultural Festival last minute!
11/20【國際事務講座-美國留遊學講座】此次,將邀請美國教育基金會Ishi Lin計畫專員,為您解決想要出國留遊學的妳/你,特別開放在11號前提供提問,使活動當天能實際為你/妳來解決留遊學之困惑。

11/20【Lecture of International Affairs- Studying in USA lecture】(Ch.)
Program Manager Ishi Lin from American International Education Foundation (AIEF) will provide you with latest information about studying in USA. She will solve your individual problems if you propose your question before 11th.

11/21【海外學習分享會】 為培養具有國際視野及實務經驗之未來專業人才,以期能學習尊重多元文化背景與生活方式,了解不同國家企業或機構之運作模式,103年度有:國企系、自資系、台灣系、自資系等團隊通過補助至海外移地教學,成果豐厚,透過同學的分享讓我們一起飛去日本、中國、馬來西亞熱帶雨林一探就究! 
11/21【Experience Sharing of Overseas Learning】(Ch.)
NDHU offers lots of opportunities for students to study abroad. Teams from Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, International Business and Taiwan and Regional Studies will share their experiences on learning outside of the classroom abroad. Hoping you can learn from their experiences and respect multicultural background and life style, understanding operation style of enterprise and institute in different countries.


11/17-21【International Culture Exhibition by NDHU International Students】
Do you want to know more about custom of foreign country? Walking into our showroom at College of Humanities and Social Sciences Block II, there are stuffs, cloths, and the other showpiece from many countries waiting to be looked around! And your classmates may come from one of those countries!

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2014International_Cultural_ Festival.pdf

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