分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 自然資源與環境學系 李莉莉 - lily@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8633335
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 山海電影院-野望自然影展(WorldView Taiwan Film Festival)本周播映時間與地點
日期: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 15:21:45 +0800
附檔: 遇見樹懶.jpg (265 KB)   印度懶熊巴魯.jpg (294 KB)   

2013 WorldView Taiwan Film Festival (beginning at 19:00)



Venue: Room A114. B119, Environmental Science Building
Date: December 6th (Fri.) 
Film: Meet The Sloths & Jungle Book Bear

Meet the Sloths' take a humorous peak inside the lives of the sonorous residents of the world's only sloth orphanage. Featuring Buttercup, sanctuary sloth Queen and de facto daughter to celebrated sloth whisperer Judy Arroyo; Randy, a highly libidinous male whose antics reveal sex is the only thing a sloth does quickly and a handful of impossibly cute baby sloths who attend the sanctuary sloth school to learn the ways of the sloth. Filmed over the course of a year and featuring behaviour never captured before on camera, 'Meet the Sloths' reveals the secrets of nature's most enigmatic animal.

We all know him, we all love him: Baloo - Mowgli's constant companion from the Jungle Book. The role model for this character is the sloth bears of India. Surprisingly little is known about this secretive species. These mostly nocturnal animals are very shy and have never been portrayed in a natural history programme before. The film follows an adolescent bear named Baloo, and his adventures on his way to become a fully grown male. Hopefully the first film about wild Indian sloth bears will help to save this enigmatic species for future generations, as they are a simple bear necessity.

環境學院 自然資源與環境學系


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