分類: 演講暨研討會
來源: 原住民民族學院 - 高穆凡 - mu@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8635754
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【原民院特別講座】本院特邀來自加拿大的Dr. H. Monty Montgomery主講Social WorkProgramming with Indigenous Communities in Canada
日期: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 10:44:54 +0800

【原民院特別講座】本院特邀來自加拿大的Dr. H. Monty Montgomery主講Social Work Programming with Indigenous Communities in Canada

講題:Social Work Programming with Indigenous Communities in Canada
講者:H. Monty Montgomery
現職:Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work University of Regina (Saskatoon Canada)
演講時間:2013/12/06 10:30-12:00
地點:原民院 A330教室

  Since the formalization of "Helping Professions" in Canada in the early 20th Century, the impact of social workers on the lives of Indigenous peoples has been largely negative.  Examples include: the promotion of social policies founded on principles of eugenics, professional collusion with Church-run Indian residential school administrators, and the mass apprehension and trans-cultural adoption of First Nations children.  
  In an effort to restore social harmony with Indigenous peoples, many Canadian Faculties of Social Work have began making pedagogical and administrative changes to their curriculum and program delivery to better address historic inequities.  This presentation will discuss the extent to which Canadian Social Work undergraduate program delivery models and curricular approaches are addressing the persistent legacies of colonialism and social exclusion that continue to be experienced by Indigenous individuals, families, and communities.


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