分類: 人事徵才
來源: 物理學系 - 鄭嘉良教授 - clcheng@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8632021
對象: 全校教職員
標題: 國立東華大學物理系鄭嘉良教授 誠徵博士後研究員一名
日期: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:10:41 +0800

[工作地點]: 國立東華大學 物理系鄭嘉良教授實驗室

[工作職稱]: 博士後研究員

[應徵條件]: 具國內外博士學位,不限男女,具物理、生物、化學、材料相關系所畢業。

[工作內容]:. This project will integrate Nanotechnology and Biotechnology as an interdisciplinary study on Nanobiotechnology. This project is based on nanodiamond (or nanocarbon) material with aims in the bio/medical application. Efforts will focus on the preparation, characterization, manipulation and applications of target-specific nanodiamond-biomolecule/drug composites. The spectroscopy/optical properties of nanometer-sized diamond as well as the conjugation of bio-molecules on nanodiamonds surface and the interaction of the prepared composites with biological objects will be studied to promote the bio applications of nanodiamond. We welcome candidate interested in interdisciplinary research with background in physics, chemistry, and biology to join this project.

[薪資待遇]: 比照國科會


[聯絡方式]: Email: clcheng@mail.ndhu.edu.tw,鄭嘉良教授
郵寄: 97401花蓮縣壽豐鄉大學路2段1號 國立東華大學物理系鄭嘉良教授

[備 註]: 合者面試時間另以電話通知,聘期一年,可續聘。


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