分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 自資系 李莉莉 - lily@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 2012東華讀字節《颱風》2012 NDHU Book Selection:Divine Wind
日期: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 11:01:01 +0800
附檔: 東華讀字節.pdf (2 MB)   

時  間:12月03日(周一)14:00~ 

貳部曲:預計時間為民國102年3月至5月間,我們將邀請文學、藝術、歷史、大氣、防災方面的    學者專家,和我們一起共同解讀颱風。 敬請期待。

  東華讀字節將隨著《颱風 –The History and Science of Hurricanes》,於12月03日(周一)下午2點,再次旋起一系列風暴。




I came into a place mute of all night,
Which bellows as the sea does in a tempest,
If by opposing winds ‘tis combated.
The infernal hurricane that never rests
Hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine;
Whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them.

    Dante(1265-1321), from the Divine Comedy, 
             translates by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  《颱風》作者Kerry Emanuel從歷史、藝術和科學的觀點,勾勒出颶風(颱風)的樣貌。因此,書中除以科學角度,描述風暴本質及其相關知識,亦穿插許多詩、劇作、小說、歌曲、畫作等文藝作品。本書從「若非史上的兩次颱風,日本現在可能屬於中國版圖的一部份」開始,在「明天過後」這部電影裡寫出終曲。中譯版裡更加碼收錄臺灣颱風專文。


  170本《颱風》已悄然進駐東華圖書館內,歡迎 您至圖書館借閱或翻閱,更希望 您和作者/譯者交換明信片。這一次,將讀字節活動時間延長些,讓我們大家都能一起感受與細細品味《颱風》的威力。颶風改變天然和政治的版圖,我們期待這一次的「東華讀字節」也能改變些什麼。

環境學院 敬邀

Dear all

  The College of Environmental Studies is proud to host the 2012 NDHU Book Selection.  One book will be selected by our president, and afterwards all of us will have the opportunity to read it.  We will also be arranging interactive activities such as lectures, opportunities to meet with the authors and translators, and contests that initiate conversations about the topics discussed in the book.

  The first book that has been selected is "複眼人" (The Man with Compound Eyes), written by a teacher in the Department of Sinophone Literatures, NDHU.  I have heard that it will be translated into English and will be published in 2013 or soon thereafter.  Although it is a fiction novel, the characters are so well developed that you feel like you know them like they were real people.

  The second book that has been selected is "Divine Wind - The History and Science of Hurricanes".  I am not sure that I can understand everything he discussed about hurricanes, but after I saw the Chinese version (the preface is below), I though it to be a story that everybody could appreciate.

  It is my ambition to portray the hurricane as it is seen from the perspectives of history, art, and science, so as to form an integrated appreciation of the phenomenon.  To help accomplish this, the chapters of this book alternate between accounts of hurricanes that have played important roles in history and a scientific narrative that describes some of what has been learned about the nature of these storms. Interspersed throughout are works of art and literature that help convey the human experience of hurricanes.  Some (but I suspect very few) of my scientific colleagues may complain that the sentiments expressed by the art and literature distract from what ought to be an impersonal pursuit of scientific truth, I remind them that there is a single one of us who is not driven forward by a passion for our work, and there is no shame in admitting that.  To those who feel that science need play no role in the appreciation of nature, who feel that scientists are motivated primarily by the desire to demystify and to exercise power over nature, I ask you to remember how you felt about science when you were in third grade, when knowledge stimulated rather than extinguished wonder, and to contemplate the words of Albert Einstein, that the most beautiful experience we can have is that of the mysterious.  I believe that most scientists are motivated more by the desire to find new mysteries than to solve known problems.

If you are interested in this book, please visit the following website http://books.google.com.tw/books?id=IHALBxIYBGMC&pg=PA3&hl=zh-TW&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false

  We have invited the translator to our school to host a free talk on December 3rd at 14:00 in room A114 & B119 on the first floor of the Environmental Science Building.  Everyone is welcome to join in.  Further to this talk, we are holding a postcard exchange with both the author and translator of this book.  If you are interested in sharing your ideas and reactions directly with the author or translator, please write your comments about Divine Wind- The history and Science of Hurricanes on a postcard of your choice and mail it before April 30, 2013.  Divine Wind postcards are available in the library or our department office (B104 in the Environmental Studies Building).  There are two mailboxes available, one at each location to mail your postcards.  We are able to help you mail your postcard.  After the deadline, we will gather all postcards and take some pictures afterwhich they will be sent to the author/the translator.  The readers can write a postcard to the author, the translator or both.  Please be sure to include your name, email and department on the postcard.  If your postcard is selected, you will be offered a prize of NTD1000.  If you need assistance, please contact lily@mail.ndhu.edu.tw

  Our president is also planning on inviting the author to visit Taiwan, perhaps during the period of March to May, 2013. I will send the details when I receive them.

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