分類: 行政公告, 其他公告
來源: 體育中心 - 莊春昇James Chuang - james@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 國立東華大學壽豐校區體育館重量訓練室使用規則Regulation & guidelines on Fitness Training Room of Sports Hall, National Dong Hwa University
日期: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 16:37:10 +0800

1.           開放時間: 除國定假日、上課、校隊練習時間外,週一~週日09:00~22:00提供全校教職員生免費試用。開放時間變更或需收費時另外通知。
Opening time: 09:00 am ~ 22:00 pm, Monday ~ Sunday everyday except national holidays, teaching  or school team’s practice time. 

This facility provides all NDHU’s faculty and students free of charge for workout on trial basis. PE Center will further advise if opening hours change or admission is indispensable.

2.          罹患心臟病、高血壓、糖尿病或其它任何健康狀況而有影響操作安全之虞者,應善盡告知責任、自行尋求醫療人員與專業教練給予使用器材建議並遵行之。
Those who suffer from cardiopathy, hypertension, diabetes or any other illness that might compromise safety using of these facilities are obliged to make known to concerned parties, seek and follow up counsels from medical personnel and professional coach. 
4.          其他使用者之權益應受尊重、所有使用人須善盡良好維護責任與道德義務。
Please respect other users’ rights,discharge moral obligation to keep facilities in order

5.          使用器材須小心愛護公物、嚴禁粗魯使用或發出噪音。使用後須將器材歸回原位。
Users must use facilities with care, that are forbidden to use heavyhandedly or utter guttural sound. Put equipment back to positions where they are after use.

6.          體能訓練室內所有器材物品,均不得以任何理由私自攜出,違者以偷竊舉發論處。
All items inside the room are not allowed to carry out on any condition, trespassers will be prosecuted as pilferage. 

7.          為維護安全與基本禮儀,使用時須穿著適當之運動服裝,禁止打赤膊、赤腳或穿著涼鞋、拖鞋等不當衣著。
For safety and decorum, users should wear proper sporting attire who are forbidden to bare to the waist, be barefooted, or wear flip-flops etc.

8.          除飲用水外,禁止攜帶其他飲料、食物,並嚴禁吸菸、嚼食口香糖及檳榔。
Other than drinking water, other beverages, foods are not allowed in. Cigarette, chewing gum and betel nut are also prohibited.

9.      顧及他人使用權利,同一器材請勿長時間佔用並儘量與他人輪替。
In consideration of other users’ right, please do not hog a particular equipment and try at best to use alternately with other people.

10.      入場須自備毛巾、並於使用時鋪陳於靠墊;使用完畢須將汗水擦拭乾淨,以確保器材清潔衛生。
It is required to carry gym towel with you whenever enter the room by which make a barrier between the gym machines and your skin, wipe down the machines after use for hygienic consideration.

11.      禁止在室內嬉戲喧嘩,或影響他人動作之正常進行。
It is prohibited to frolic, clamour indoors, or any activities that affect other people’s usual gym use.

12.      若違反規範、或行為違常、且不接受管理者規勸,體育中心得暫停該使用者使用本室之權利。
He who violates regulation, has havioral aberration and is not accepting administrator’s advice on whom PE Center could suspend temporarily his rights in using the gym. 

13.      器材若因不當使用而造成人為損壞,使用者應負賠償責任;使用器材前若見已有損毀情形,請立即通知管理單位。
If machine breaks down due to improper use, the liable user should reimburse. If there is any damage before use, please inform administator immediately. 

14.      個人貴重物品須自行謹慎處理,體育中心不負任何物品保管責任。
Please keep personal precious effects with caution. PE Center is not held responsible for any lost items.

15.      請詳細閱讀並遵守器材之各項公告與說明。
Please peruse and follow up all rules and instructions on the notice of machines.

16.  建議結伴進入,並互相輔助操作、維護安全。
It is advisable to keep company in entering and help each other in using machine, for safety’s sake.

17.      如有未盡事宜,體育中心得另行公告補充之。
PE Center will supplement by notice if there are more points to be added to this regulation.

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